Skill Development


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To harness India’s demographic dividend and meet aspirations of the country’s growing under-25 population, for better jobs and higher incomes, skill development is essential. From an economic standpoint, skill development reduces un-employment and underemployment, increases productivity and most importantly breaks the cycle of poverty and inequality.
Dr. Reddy’s Foundation’s interventions in skill development started in 1999. Our Livelihood Advancement Business School (LABS) is among country’s foremost short-term employment oriented skill development program. Unemployed youngsters from low-income households received 92-days technical and life skills training with placement assistance.
From 2016, the foundation’s new skill development initiatives are focusing on delivering industry-vetted ‘Core Employability Skills’ that prepare aspirants for careers across sectors. With the right training and job matchmaking, the programs are helping young Indians from underrepresented communities improve their standard of living.
Key Issues
Only 5%
out of 365 million youth
are skilled. While 178 million
have no skills and no jobs.
12.8 million
unskilled youth enter the
workforce every year, yet
53% of jobs are lying vacant
as employers are unable to
find people with the right skills.
Alignment with UN SDGs
All our work in the area of education aligns with the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

SDG 4: Quality Education

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG 10: Reduced Inequality

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Our Initiatives
GROW skill development centres address the vast disconnect between the demand and supply of skilled human resources. A 60-days training program on Core Employability Skills like communicative English, digital literacy and aptitude ensures that there is a significant skill shift among trainees.
GROW’s emphasis on affordable high-quality training is ensured through a certified IT platform, which maps the entire cycle of the program. The analytics-driven matchmaking engine helps to place the young aspirants in career tracks that are aligned with their aspirations.
Launched in 2020, the digital program takes skill development training to the doorstep of aspirants. The program leverages certified trainers with the competency to deliver quality online training, along with a Learning Management System (LMS) that complements the virtual learning process.