Skill development strategy for Persons with Disability
In India, close to 74% of Persons with Disability (15-59years) are either unemployed or are marginal workers. Persons with Disability face numerous challenges that withhold them from having a barrier-free life. Low accessibility to special education, difficulties in migrating to urban areas, inaccessible buildings and transportation facilities, skill gap and negative stereotypes make them vulnerable. These challenges have curtailed their progress towards having a decent life and kept them out of mainstream employment for long.
Over the past three years, we observed that having accessible training centres, imparting core employability skills, organizing sensitization workshops, and mapping job roles resulted in better employment opportunities for persons with disability. Our skill development strategy, developed in consultation with our partner organizations, industry practitioners, friends from peer organizations and internal team members, lays out a clear roadmap to enable us impact at least 20,000 Persons with Disability by helping them build in-demand sills for better jobs or self-employment.
For a detailed understanding of our principles, strategic priorities and strategic components, download our strategy paper.